
Summer. ?.

The first day of summer has come and gone.  So I guess it's official...despite these days that remain of sweater-wearing and turning on the heat.  It's actually pretty pleasant most of the time if I can wrap my head around the idea of 'summer' not always including some humid upper 80-degree weather.

Life has been so full.  Dave's grandpa took a turn for the worse last week and has been in the hospital.  It has been a joy to spend some time with his grandparents since moving to Oregon, and he is so sweet. Thankfully, God is sustaining his life and he is back at home!  And, my in-laws flew in so we've gotten to spend some short-but-sweet time with them.

Things are slowly coming into bloom here at the new homestead, so it's kind of fun watching different things blossom in stages and discovering what lies in the garden.  It's all rather overgrown and needs some tending.....but I'm not sure how soon that will happen.

And the kids are so full of life.  They traipse around non-stop and keep me on my toes.  I am so thankful for them....that I get to be their mom....and for all that I am learning from them.

Soon, we head off to our first family camping adventure.  (dun-dun-dun!)  I'm pretty excited.  Ambitiously hopeful.

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