
I will be their God.

June got all my attention for a short while yesterday, which is pretty rare for this third-born.  Something about caring for her in this moment filled me with joy....and I'm pretty sure one of these photos will land itself in a hallway for years to come.

I have described this season of life to some lately as dynamic, (i.e. "characterized by continuous change, activity, or progress").  Within the course of a day, I can experience total elation, complete discouragement, indescribable joy, undone-weariness, and so much in between.  Of course, this is largely due to my fallen nature and meant to show me my need for God and His goodness to me....

...and I think it's working!  He has been sweetly faithful lately to remind my soul of the point.  His Glory.  The larger story.  My transformation to Christ-likeness. My utter need for Him, and His great delight in being gracious toward me because of Christ's death.

Now, for a moment, 
let us consider the exceeding preciousness of this great mercy:
'I will be their God.'
I imagine that God Himself could say no more than that.  
I do not believe if the Infinite were to stretch His powers and
magnify His grace by some stupendous promise that could outdo every other, 
that it could exceed in glory this promise:
'I will be their God.'
O, Christian, do consider what it is to have God as your own!
Consider what it is, especially in comparison with anything else...
'I will be their God' is the masterpiece of all promises.  
It is the capstone of all the great and precious things that God has provided for His children.
If we could really grasp it, 
if it could be applied to our souls so that we could understand it, 
we might clap our hands and say, 
'Oh, the wonder! Oh, the glory!  Oh, the graciousness of that promise!"
It makes a heaven below, and it must make a heaven above.  
Nothing else will ever truly be needed except this:
'I will be their God.' 

-C.H. Spurgeon

1 comment:

  1. Laura, such a sweet testimony. Not a single atom is outside His control. Great peace...
