
Our Weekend.

Dave decided to be husband/father of the year this weekend. He shows me up in memory-making and serving! So...really.....I guess he was just being himself.
Friday night, he set up the big family tent (that we swiped from my mom's attic at some point), sleeping bags, etc. and camped with the older two kids all night. Let's just say THEY LOVED IT. (Dave also took this awesome picture. Cause he knows stuff about shutter speeds! You can actually see stars in the sky!)

Then on Saturday he kept the kids all day while I went out. My goal was simple...be productive and get refreshed. It consisted of things like this:

-obtained a full winter wardrobe for the kids (consignment sale, holla!)
-meditated on this while driving uninterrupted.
-a mini-tour of Portland. At one point, I found myself here. I was just exploring a new area of town, but as soon as I walked in I knew.
-Little Big Burger
-I read the whole book of Ephesians. slowly.
-Thrift stores! Antique Mall!

And then it was back home to all my favorite faces....to the real joys in life....

Hope you had a refreshing weekend as well~


  1. soooo glad you got some time to yourself. I know you needed that honey. Dave is soooo thoughtful. Call me. Mom

  2. put a bird on it!!! love it!

    (and love your blog!)
