
Weekend Roundup.

We got lots of family time this weekend with no big plans and it was DELIGHTFUL.

Friday we ate dinner out as a family, and then hung around the house for a laid-back Saturday. Dave (my awesome manly man) repaired our leaky tub, while I put these (among others) up in my Etsy shop....
I also felt the baby move for the first time on Saturday! I could hardly believe it since I am just barely 14 weeks. Such an amazing moment...I remember where I was the first time I felt each of the kids before, too.

Sunday, our pastor preached about joy in serving and this was such a highlight. I can have a such hard time with completing parenting and home tasks consistently with JOY, and his wisdom and encouragement was so convicting and faith-building. I am so thankful for our church & God's word & the gospel....grace for failure, hope for change!

Then, Dave and I carved the pumpkin & ate roasted seeds while the kids slept. After that, it was costumes, candy, cider, the fire pit, and neighbors & friends...
....fall at its finest!
Hope it was a happy weekend for you & yours....


  1. I love those Christmas cards! The last one is my favorite.

  2. Now there is a real "Chicken Mann"

  3. I love the card designs! And the pic of you holding your belly.
