Beautiful. Families!
This endearing not-so-little family is adopting a little girl from Ethiopia. I totally stole this from their hilarious blog:
mr. anderson and i always knew we would adopt one day.
but we honestly thought we'd adopt a little chinese girl...she would fit right in our little family.
never, in a million years, would i have said ethiopia.
but after watching that video...and reading those heart really moved.
and so did mr. anderson's heart.
"how could we not adopt?" were his exact words.
so, with a 6 year old, 4 year old, 2 year old and 5 month old, we started the paperwork to add one more to our family.
even still, as i type this, it sounds crazy.
we have so many children already.
will we have enough room in our house?
we will most likely need a new car. (5 kids in car seats---duggar van, anyone?)
travel to africa, twice? i hate to fly.
financially, it seems impossible.
but, we know God will provide.
these are His kids, and we feel honored that He has chosen us to take on one more little person.
half a world away.
The Graves family are part of my church family! They are adopting a little boy from China's waiting child program, and are actually set to get a referral any day now. I respect them so much for what they are doing and how they are adding this little guy to our church family....and their own family, of course:).
Check out their honest testimonies for why they are adopting here:
The Myers Family!
One of my closest friends sent me this sweet family's info the other day, and upon reading their candid post about starting the adoption process (which they have just begun), I was in tears. (I know I'm pregnant, but my face was WET.) The Myers have two little boys and live in Missouri . Check them out here, and be sure to read that first post titled "Beginning."
The Carr Family!
Unfortunately, I don't have a pic to share, but the Carr's are part of my local church family as well! They were matched with two children (Lydia and Leo in Liberia) in October of 2008, and have been waiting for 25 months so far in this adoption process. (Shortly after their match, Liberian adoptions were closed by the Liberian government.) They have been able to support the kids enough to have them moved into a foster home and are able to provide enough support to them to allow them to eat three meals a day, attend school, buy supplies and give a stipend to the foster mom for other expenses. They are still working with the state and waiting for a way to bring these kids home. You can follow the Carr's and support their efforts here.
These folks are in their twenties, have five kids under 6 years old, and they are in the process of adopting two more girls, each with down syndrome! I am so inspired by their love of the Savior and the high value they place on kids!
You can read a great post about their thought process in moving forward with their current adoptions here. Although I am newly "acquainted" with Brianna and her blog (via the internet), I'm so inspired by her humble example! What a beautiful family, huh?
The Brockman's
The Brockmans are another family that go to my church! (It's so fun to see these families in our church body walking through this process!) I don't have a picture to share of the Brockman's, but they are in the process of adopting their first child domestically.
To support a specific family's adoption, please note their name in your Christmas card order in the "message to seller." Worthy causes, folks!
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